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Apr 25, 2024

Discover the power of cultivating happiness as a habit rather than a goal, inspired by a profound quote from Richard Branson.

Join Tim and Steve as they discuss the importance of being present, practicing gratitude, and embracing life's challenges as opportunities for growth.

Learn how happiness can be within reach for...

Apr 18, 2024

Tim encountered an 80-year-old man on the beach who was moving with incredible speed and determination using a walker. Despite his age, the man exuded vitality (he did not let the old man in). This is a reminder that age is just a number, everything is relative, and our mindset and attitude towards life matter more than...

Apr 11, 2024

Long-term commitments and hard work lead to a well-lived life with purpose. There are no shortcuts to success.

Tim shares a personal anecdote about his daughter Chelsea and a powerful story about a man facing a terminal illness who expresses contentment and no regrets due to living a life filled with love, positivity,...

Apr 4, 2024

Tim and Steve discuss the concept of perishability in martial arts and beyond. They emphasize the importance of maintaining and sustaining anything of value in all aspects of life to prevent decay. The hosts delve into the significance of upkeep to keep skills and values alive throughout one's lifetime.
Tim shares how...

Mar 28, 2024

Taking chances and risks is important, but having a backup plan is crucial. This episode picks up from a few weeks ago when Tim told Steve about the "yes column, no column, and what ifs" in making decisions. While it's good to consider possibilities, dwelling too much on "what ifs" can lead to paralysis.

The discussion...